środa, 27 lutego 2013

Galaxies Hubble

Several pictures of galaxies taken the Hubble Space Telescope

Galaxy M106

 Sombrero Galaxy M104


Galaxy NGC 1512


niedziela, 24 lutego 2013

Nebulae Hubble

Here are some pictures of nebulae made ​​the Hubble Space Telescope <3

Mgławica Carina (Carina Nebula)

fot. http://hubblesite.org/gallery/

Mgławica Krab (The Crab Nebula)

fot. http://hubblesite.org/gallery/

Space and the Universe start blog

Hey, I decided to start a blog about the Universe.
Love the universe? Space? Eternity that surrounds us? Me too!
Our universe is so vast, so mysterious and puzzling, and thanks to the new technology offered by us include NASA, we can see what's going on ....

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